The first race will be hosted by Ski Kraličá. Brand new mountain resort with the most modern cable car in Europe!!! This new resort is located in the most beautiful valley, between the resorts Dolní Morava and Kouty nad Desnou. Ski Kraličák offers great facilities, great routes and new experiences. We are looking forward to it. 


The race was made possible by the enterprise Lesy České republiky,s.p. Mountain bike races are held on the territory managed by the state enterprise Lesy České republiky. They are also your forests, so let's be respectful.


18.07.2025 – 20.07.2025


ski Kraličák - Stříbrnice



PARKING: Central parking lot SKi Kraličák - 50.1774089N, 16.9082817E


discounted entry fee until 20.6.2025  

  • 1400,- CZK Race, Hobby, Ebike, Newbie 
  • 650,- CZK Grom and Rookie 

from 21.6.2025 to 6.6.2025 

  • 1700,- Kč Race, Hobby, Ebike, Newbie 
  • 750,- Kč Grom and Rookie 

RACE OFFICE: Ski Kraličák, Stříbrnice , tent Czech Enduro Series

  • Friday 18.7.2025 - from 18:00 to 20:00 
  • Saturday 19.7.2025 - from 09:00 to 12:00 
  • Sunday 20.7.2025 - no registration or number pick-up


Race muži U21 17-18y
Race Elite muži 19-34y
Race muži 35-44y
Race muži 45+
Race Elite ženy 17+

Hobby junioři 15-18y
Hobby muži 19-39y
Hobby muži 40-49y
Hobby muži 50+ 
Hobby ženy 15+

Newbie 13-14y
Rookie 11-12y
Grom 6-10y

Race Elite men/women 18+ 
Hobby men/women 18+

Sign up online



Friday: from 09:00 to 17:00 training, without medical support and at your own risk. 
Friday: from 16:00 to 18:00 open race office, Czech Enduro Series tent
Saturday: from 09:00 to 17:00 training, without medical support and at your own risk. 
Saturday: from 09:00 to 12:00 open race office, CES tent. On-site registration for the race will not be possible! Changes of categories on the spot will not be possible!  
Saturday: from 18:30 accompanying program, Bunny Hop etc. Win cool prizes from our partners. 
Sunday: from 8:30h start. Starting with the Kids category,Hobby E-ENDURO and then Race from the highest starting number to the lowest. Chips will be picked up 20 minutes before the start at the SportSoft tent in the backstage area.

ROUTES: up to 7 stages in total! 

  • Race runs all 7 stages 
  • E-Enduro Race 7 stages
  • Hobby, Newbie runs 6 stages, skips the hardest stages
  • Rookie rides 4 stages
  • Grom rides 3 stages 


  • 4h:30min from start to transfer for Race,
  • 4h:00min from start to transfer for Hobby and Newbie,
  • 3h:30min from start to transfer for E-Enduro 
  • 3h:30min from start to transfer for ROOKIE and GROM

START: SKi Kralicak 08:30am until the first transfer. It will start in the reverse order, so the first to start will stand the category Hobby and then Race. It starts from the highest starting number, after 1 competitors in every 30 sekunds.


REFRESHMENT: tent in the area 



helmet (we strongly recommend the integral helmet, XC / enduro helmet enabled), a spine protector or backpack with integrated and certified spine protector is required. Only one bike and components must be used and must be carried by the competitor at all times. Foreign help is not allowed. We also recommend long-fingered gloves, knee and elbow pads, glasses.


It will be realized as temporary removable signs with arrows. so-called milk in places where it is necessary to adjust the corridor precisely. Competitors will receive a map with marked special stages and recommended moves. All markings will be ecologically disposed of after the race

About event

Sign up online

Partners of the event

Hlavní mediální partnerHitradio Černá Hora
Race partnersolomoucký kraj