Enduro races at Kopřivná offer 5 different stages connecting Mala Morávka and Karlov pod Pradědem. 3 measured sections use and combine the existing tracks in the Kopřivná bike park, one track leads the racers to the next valley to Karlov pod Pradědem, where one erzetta is marked. The tracks have different lengths but almost the same elevation of about 200m. The total race circuit will be around 25km long.

Kamil Tatarkovič, a leading Czech biker, is in charge of marking and building the tracks. The base of the whole race is in Mala Morávka, in the Kopřivná pod Pradědem ski area.

The race was made possible by the enterprise Lesy České republiky,s.p. Mountain bike races are held on the territory managed by the state enterprise Lesy České republiky. These are your forests too, so let's be respectful.


29.08.2025 – 31.08.2025


ski areál Kopřivna


ENDURO RACE MALÁ MORÁVKA 29.8. - 31.8.2025

OFFICE: Ski resort Kopřivná, Mala Morávka (Jeseníky) 

Parking: Ski resort Kopřivná - 50.0344911N, 17.3088972E 

Friday 29.8.2025 from 16:00 to 18:00

Saturday 30.8.2025 from 09:00 to 12:00 

Sunday 31.8.2025 no on-site registration possible on Sunday

Race Men U21 17-20 
Race Elite 21-29 
Race Men 30-44 
Race Men 45 and over
Race Women 17 and over

Hobby Juniors 15-20 
Hobby Men 21-39
Hobby Women 15 and over
Hobby Men 40+ 

Grom 6-10 year
Rookie 11-12 year
Newbie 13-14 year

E-Enduro Race men/women 18+
E-Enduro Hobby men/women 18+

Sign up online



Friday: from 09:00h official training, without medical support and at your own risk.
          From 16:00 to 18:00 open for attendance

Saturday: from 9h official training, without medical support and at your own risk.
            From 09:00h to 12:00h open race presentation, issue of bibs. Registration for the race will not be possible!!!

Sunday: from 08.30h start of the main race. E-Enduro, Grom, Rookie, Newbie, Hobby and then Race from the highest starting number to the lowest.
            Announcement from 16h. Time is subject to change.

START: The main race starts at 08:30 on Sunday. The race will start at 5min intervals with 10 competitors starting each time. The start will be in reverse order, so the highest number of the Newbie,Hobby category will go first, then the kids categories and finally the Race. 




RACE TIME LIMIT: 4:30h for Hobby and Newbie, 5h for Race (may be increased due to poor track conditions)

REFRESHMENTS: snack bar at the race area 


LANE: ski lift will be available in the Kopřivná Ski Area all Saturday (including the evening prologue)

Ceremonial announcement: 16:00 to 16:30 in the race area

MANDATORY WEAR: helmet (integral helmet strongly recommended, XC/enduro helmet allowed), spine protector or backpack with integrated and certified spine protector is mandatory. Only one bike and components may be used and the rider must carry them with him/her at all times. No other help is allowed. We also recommend long-fingered gloves, knee and elbow pads, goggles.

The way to the race

Prague - Hradec Králové - Moravská Třebová - Mohelnice - Uničov - Rýmařov - Malá Morávka
Brno - Olomouc - Šternberk - Rýmařov - Malá Morávka

About event

Sign up online

Partners of the event

Main partnersSanta Cruz
Hlavní mediální partnerNova Sport
FDF Bike shop
Media partnerMTBs
Bike and Ride

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